How Can You Work More Effectively With Your Family?

Enhance your family business with family or owners meetings – facilitated by an objective, third-party professional who can keep you on task.

Family-owned businesses face unique challenges in balancing the interests of the family and the needs of the business. The expectations and desires of family members often differ as the business grows and decisions are made regarding the future ownership strategy or qualifications of family managers to eventually lead the company. Successfully navigating these complex issues often requires the advice and assistance of an independent, trusted professional.

Talk it out. An organized discussion forum provides family members with the opportunity to voice opinions, resolve conflict, share business knowledge, and just have fun. We understand that every family business has its own personality, its own set of values, its own goals for success. We document prevailing opinions, look for common ground, and provide objective guidance on the best course of action.

Family dynamics and business savvy. We advise family business owners on many issues, including:

  • Multi-generational leadership and management;
  • Corporate governance;
  • Dividend policies;
  • Buyouts, mergers and acquisitions.

Pulling together. No matter what your current business challenge might be, we strive to promote long-term family cohesiveness, fairness and respect. A family ownership group needs the foundations of good communications, trust, and a sense of direction. We can help you enhance those important fundamentals.


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12017 Goddard • Overland Park KS 66213 • phone 913.825.2644 • fax 913.563.7845